Monday, 5 August 2013

Meal Planning Monday - 5th August 2013

Meal Planning Monday

Morning all, Monday again and into August.  I can't believe that we're closer to this Christmas than we are last Christmas (yes I did just say the C word twice!), over half the year gone and I've really no idea where it has gone to as it's gone by in a flash.  I must be getting older when I'm talking about time passing by so quickly.

Last week is a bit of a blur, we didn't get out much as the little one was wanting to nap and was a little grouchy I think due to teething.  Hopefully we'll get out a little this week just to get a change from the same four walls.  One of my friends is coming up tomorrow with her wee baby girl so will be lovely to see them and have some lunch.  Hoping to get round this week to see another friends new wee baby boy.

Oh!  Also, we go our photos from the photo shoot on Saturday - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  So excited, I love them but just can't decide now which one to put up on the wall.

I love this one but just one of the photos to choose from
Anyway, on to this weeks meal plan.  Last weeks went pretty much to plan but Saturday went out the window as I forgot to leave the chicken out of the freezer and so we ended up with a chinese instead - whoops!  This weeks meal plan isn't that exciting either but sure!

So this week we are having.....

So what are you all having this week?  Have a good one, whatever you're up to.

I'm linking up with Mrs M so why not click on the badge and find out what everyone is having this week.